Tuesday 15 September 2015

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Reasons To Use Video On Your Website Or Blog


Many people think that video is not essential in blog posts if you are one of them so you have to change your mind because in this post i'm going to share some reasons to use videos in your website or blogs after reading the reasons i'm sure that you definitely use video in your blog or website.When you create new post you must have to put at least one video in your posts whether you are using website or a simple blog.Below are the some reasons to use video on your website or blog.

Helps In Describing Your Post Properly

Video helps to describe your posts properly and it also add a professional look in your post.Video always helps to explain your post concept through which your website or blog visitors easily understand your post.Video is very easy to share on social network in this way you'll get a lot of traffic using a single video in your post.When you add video in your post your post have 50 % more chances to rank on the first page of Google because SEO gave more importance to that post in which they found a video.

Increase Your Visitors Attention

When your visitors watch your videos so they definitely spend more time on your website in this way your website or blog bounce rate decrease and you'll also get some returning and faithful visitors.Video helps to increase visitors spend time.


Their are many advantages to use videos in your website or blog posts it helps you to rank your posts and increase your website traffic.And it also helps in increase your website rank.I hope you like this post and started to put video in your posts if you have any question regarding to topic you can ask your questions.


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