Thursday 17 September 2015

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How To Add WhatsApp Share Button In Blogger


Today in this post i'm going to share that how to add WhatsApp share button in blogger.As you all know the users of WhatsApp all around the world and when someone share your article on WhatsApp you'll definitely get a lot of traffic from WhatsApp and all the traffic you got is coming from Mobile.In the previous post we discuss about WhatsApp tips and tricks but in this post i'm going to told you that how to add whatsapp share button in blogger.By using Whatsapp share button in your blog you'll get bulk of mobile visitors and in this way your blog turns into more mobile friendly blog.This Whatsapp share button appear with your other sharing buttons like Facebook,Twitter e.t.c.

How To Add WhatsApp Share Button In Blog

> First of all Login into your Blogger Account

> Now navigate to Template > Edit Html

> Now you need to find your previous share buttons and once you'll get simply add the below WhatsApp share button code along with previous buttons

> After adding the code click on Save Setting button and you're done

If you wanted to change whatsapp share button size you can change the cwa_btn_s code with wa_btn_m for medium share button and wa_btn_l for large button.I hope you like this post and if you have any question related to this post you can ask your questions below.


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