Tuesday 1 September 2015

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Best Off Page SEO Techniques 2015

Off Page SEO Techniques 2015

In this post we discuss about top Off Page SEO Techniques and Tips through which you can rank your blog and get success in the field of SEO.Basically SEO is depends on two factors one is ON-Page and the second is OFF-Page.Both On Page and Off Page SEO Techniques are very important.In the previous post we discuss about On Page SEO Tips.In this post i'm going to show you Off Page SEO Techniques.By optimizing On-Page and Off-Page SEO Techniques you can not only get traffic but also rank your blog in SEO that's why Off Page SEO techniques is very important part of SEO.

What Is Off-Page SEO Techniques

It is basically an important part of SEO in which we are working related to SEO outside of our Website like by using social network,Building backlinks e.t.c.Off-Page SEO Techniques helps to increase blog rank by submitting sites in high PR submission list.And any type of website promotion is OFF Page SEO.Without doing Off-Page SEO Techniques it is difficult to rank your blog or website in SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites is the great way to promote your blog.If you wanted to get reasonable traffic using social networking sites so you have to create a Page on Facebook according to your site niche and add Facebook widget in your website through which your site visitors like your Facebook page.As you all know that many social networking sites are create like Reddit,Stumble Upon,Pinterest which plays an important role in promoting your website.When you create a post simply share it on Social Networking sites and you will definitely get traffic.


Backlinks helps to increase your website rank because Google evaluating websites by checking the backlinks of websites.Quality backlinks higher your website's rank.But in my personal opinion i suggest you not go for black hat SEO techniques to create backlinks always try to create natural backlinks Google loves natural backlinks.

Video Promotion

As you all know that Youtube is the biggest source through which you can get huge traffic to your website.That's why video promoting is very important only you have to create a Channel on Youtube and create a video on your post and upload it on Youtube.Dailymotion and Vimeo is also a great platform on which you can promote your videos.

Internal Linking

So guys here comes a major part internal linking increase your post rank.Basically internal linking is the process in which we link one post with another post by using hyperlink.This also helps in increasing your website traffic.When someone copy your post and paste it on their website your intenal linking link back to your website.Just check that what post is relate to your new post and simply add internal link of your old blog post.

Submit Your Site To Search Engine

I know that you are thinking that what is this but their are still many people who did not add their site to Search Engine.Without submitting your site in Search Engine SEO is nothing.That's why don't forget to submit your site in Google,Bing,Alexa e.t.c


In the summed up of this post i say that OFF Page SEO Techniques is very important part of SEO.But focus on both factor On-Page and Off-Page SEO Techniques if you wanted to rank your website on SEO and wanted to get huge traffic to your website.I hope that you will learn Off Page Seo Techniques after reading this post.If you have any question regarding to this post you can ask your questions.


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