Sunday 30 August 2015

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5 On Page SEO Tips For Better Blogging

On-Page SEO Tips For blogger

SEO is depend on two factors On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.On Page is basically SEO which we are doing inside our Website and OFF Page SEO is the process which we are doing outside of our website example building backlinks e.t.c.In this post i'll show you 5 On-Page SEO tips through which you can rank your blog and got success in the field of SEO.Without doing proper SEO we can't get success.So today we will discuss 5 basic On-Page SEO that every blog owner should know.I will provide you some On Page SEO Tips through which you can rank your blog.

5 On Page SEO Tips For Better Blogging


Many people thinks that permalink is not important but they don't know that it plays an important role in SEO.Because it's describe what your post is all about.I suggest you to URL related to your blog post using permalink.If you don't know that what is permalink don't worry have a look at below given image.

On Page SEO Tips For Better Blogging

It is the permalink of your blog post you can edit it from right side you can see the option which name is Permalink just click on it and simple customize your blog post URL.

Search Description

Search description is another important factor of SEO you can see an option which name is Search Description which shows in your blog post after enable meta description of your blog.Many people did not know that what is search description how to used it don't worry i'll explain it.

On page seo tips

It is your blog post search description which shows just below your post URL in Google.You only need to add couple of sentences related to your blog post description but only add the main points of your posts and don't forget to add sentence in which you have added keywords related to your blog post title.By doing this SEO better understand what your whole post is all about.

Image Title Text And Alt Text

When i start my blog i don't know the importance of title text and alt text but when i search related to this topic i know the importance of title text and alt text.By adding title and alt text in your images your images shows in Google Images and through which you can get the reasonable traffic by only adding title text and alt text.

On-Page SEO tips for blogging


Without quality content your post is nothing.Quality and quantity of content matters a lot.Your post should atleast 300 words because SEO gave importance of quantity of length.Write content according to your post and to the point.Always try to unique post.Google loves fresh and unique content.Don't try to copy other blogs content because Google is the king and they know that the post is copyrighted or not.Always create your own images using Photoshop e.t.c don't try to copy images because this also matters.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is another important factor of SEO.Internal linking is the process through which you can link your one post to another post or page in this way you can get more pageviews and traffic.Here is an example of Internal Linking

In internal link we simply add a link of our another post in the sentence that relates our post.Through which we can get more traffic and also our blog bounce rate decreases.


So guys that's it from this post above 5 tips are the important factor of SEO by doing all the steps properly you can rank your blog and get huge traffic to your blog.These are the on page Seo tips that every blogger should knows if they wanted to increase their blog traffic and rank.If you have any issue regarding to this post you can ask your questions below.


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