Thursday 24 September 2015

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Why No One Comment On Your Blog And What To Do To Fix It

Why-No-One-Comment-On-Your-Blog-And-What-To-Do -To-Fix-It

I know that comments are very important for every blog because it shows the existence of blog.But we can't get any comment on our blog and it hurts when no one comment on your blog.In this post we'll discuss why no one comment on your blog and how to do to fix it.If you are one of them who are looking for how to comments on blog posts so you are at right place.Below i'll provide some tips by working on them i'm sure in the future you'll get a lot of comments.

You Are Not Asking

Always ask your visitors to comment like by saying in the very last line of your post "if you have any question feel free to ask" e.t.c.In this way you'll definitely some comments and reviews about your post so always add line in the bottom of your posts.

Your Blog Traffic

If you are expecting comments on your blog without traffic so obviously it is not possible so first spend time to increase your blog traffic then you are able to get comments.You can easily get traffic by promoting your blog in social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Stumble Upon e.t.c

Comment Section Design

Always customize your comment section stylish and easy to reach you can see the live example in my blog comment section

Why No One Comment On Your Blog

Try to customize your comment section looks professional and interesting which attract your visitors to comment on your posts.

There Is No Comments

This step is little tricky and very important as you all know that you are not able to play Cricket without players in the same way you'll not get comment because people wanted to join the conversation.It's pretty simple to get one comment do it yourself :) and leave first comment by yourself.

Ask Questions In The End Of Your Post

It will definitely work i personally try this method and then i decided to share it.Ask question in the last of your post like ask your visitors to share your ideas and experience related to the post e.t.c.By doing this step i'm sure you'll got some comments.

Final Words

In this post i share some tips by working on them i hope you are able to get comments on your blog posts.Always reply your blog comments in this way other peoples also join the conversation.If you like this post so don't forget to share this post with your friends.


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