Tuesday 8 September 2015


How To Index Your Blog Posts Faster In Search Engine

Index Blog Posts In Search Engine

When anyone create a new post they wanted to index their blog quickly in Search Engine usually Google crawler took some hours to index your post but we can index our posts quickly we just need to follow some steps and after that Google Crawler index your blog or website posts within some minutes.In this post i'm going to share some tips through which Google Crawler index your blog faster in search engine.Everyone wanted to index its blog posts faster in Google Search Engine that's why i created this post.

How To Quickly Index Your Blog Posts In Search Engine

Regular Update

If you really wanted that Google Crawlers index your posts faster so you need to update your blog posts regularly when you daily publish posts in your blog so Google crawler regularly check your blog and gave more importance to your site that's why i'm saying to update your blog posts regularly.

Build Backlinks

The more backlinks your blog have Google crawler index your posts more faster because Google loves backlinks but always try to build natural backlinks.I personally observed that when i started my blog Google crawl my blog posts in some hours because my blog's backlinks is 0 but when i work in building my backlinks and after that when i get 10 backlinks Google started to crawl my blog posts more faster.

Enable Robots Header Tags

Don't forget to enable your blog robots header tags because it helps search engine to know that what part of your website is enable for crawling.We have to disable some parts like archive pages,labels e.t.c for crawling that's why we enable robots header tags to enable Posts,pages section for crawling and disable some section of your website from being crawling.

How To Quickly Index Blog Posts In Search Engine

Check Google Webmaster Tools

Regularly check Google Webmaster Tools to know that how is your blog performance and if you found any error regard to your blog in Webmaster tools simply fixed your blog error because its matters a lot.

Ping Your Blog

 It is great way through which you can get attention of search engine to come and crawl your site because ping is usually used to send pings to Search Engine.It tells search engine for your site new posts and after this search engine started to crawl your site.You can visit this for this purpose Pingomatic
 Index Blog Posts In Search Engine


By doing all the above steps properly i'm sure your blog posts will crawl faster in search engine.Now go and apply all these steps and don't forget to share this post.


  1. This post is very useful to easy to index blogs. Thanks for sharing this article

    1. Thanks for your valuable comment on this article :)
