Thursday 10 September 2015

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How To Increase Blog Traffic Best Ever Tips

How To Increase Blog Traffic Best Ever Tips

This post is very essential in this post i'll show how to increase blog traffic.This is the most hottest topic because everyone wanted to get traffic to their blog that's why everyone searching the way for increasing blog traffic.When we write an article which is full of information and when we can't get traffic to our blog it hurts because we gave our time to write beautiful posts but not even a single person come to read our articles.After reading this post you'll get some tips through which you can increase your blog traffic.When it comes to increase our blog traffic their are many ways through which we can increase our blog traffic but always use fair method to increase your blog traffic because Google hate all those blogs which are using black hat techniques to increase their blog traffic.

How To Increase Blog Traffic Best Ever Tips

Always Write Unique And Fresh Content

Content is the king so always try to post something new in your blog which is interesting and informative.Visitors love to know something new that's why unique content is must.By writing unique and fresh content you will also get returning visitors to your blog.

Add Email Subscription Box

Email subscription is the best way to get your blog visitors attention because when you write a post it will directly send to all of your email subscribers and when they click on the link they come back to your blog and in this way you'll get traffic and returning visitors to your blog.That's why always add Email Subscription Box in your blog.

Promote Posts On Facebook And Twitter

I think everyone know the power of social networking sites.I suggest to create a group on Facebook related to your blog niche and add all your friends in your group in this way when you will get some reasonable traffic from Facebook group just post your article title,image and link in your group post.I personally running a group named "Pakjinza Shouterzz" and i'll get huge amount of traffic from my Facebook Group.

How To Increase Blog Traffic

Twitter is another great source of traffic just tweet your newly blog posts in Twitter but always add an eye catching title because boring title will not attract peoples and they didn't click on your tweet.That's why always add attracting title and beautiful image regarding to your post.

How To Increase Blog Traffic

Keywords Selection

If you wanted to rank your posts keywords to show your blog post on the first page on Google so try to add keywords which have high monthly searches and low competition because low competition keywords are easily ranked if your blog is new.If you blog is old more than 6 months so you can also ranked medium competition keywords.Add keywords in your post title,meta description,permalink,header and in images by adding keywords in these section your post definitely ranked.Target long tail keywords it will also helped to ranked your blog posts long tail keywords consists of more than 3 or more keywords.

Interlink Your Posts

Interlink is the process in which we add a link of our another blog post related to the keyword like if we write a sentence "email subscription box" and if you have a post on it you can add a link of your email subscription box post and in this way when a visitor click on that link they will redirected to your another post and you'll get traffic.

How To Increase Blog Traffic Best Ever Tips

Optimize Blog Posts

If your post is not fully optimized then you are not able to get traffic to your post.Because your post will not ranked in Google.That's why optimize your blog posts properly.Optimize your post title,Images,Meta description,Keywords,Labels,Permalink e.t.c


I hope after reading this post you'll get some tips through which you can get traffic t your blog.If you have any question you can ask your questions and i'll definitely solve your problems.If you like this post so don't forget to share it with your friends.


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