Sunday 23 August 2015

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How To Get Traffic From Reddit To Your Website

Get Traffic From Reddit To Your Website

Guys today in this post i'm going to share with you that how to get traffic to your blog using Reddit.Reddit is the best way through which you can get huge traffic mostly traffic comes from US,Canada.With Reddit you can not only get traffic you can also increase your blog rank.You just need to spend time on Reddit and then you are able to get bulk of traffic through Reddit.I personally used Reddit to get traffic to my blog and i'm succeed to get reasonable traffic through Reddit.Reddit also helps you to increase your earning.

How To Increase Your Website Traffic Using Reddit

> First of all you'll need to create a Account on Reddit

> Now Search for cute images of cats,dogs,birds e.t.c

> When you find some images to post on Reddit visit this site Karmadecay to check if this image is already posted on Reddit or not because if you post image that is already post by other person your account may be ban.

> Now visit Imgur and create a Account on it after creating account simply upload your images on it.

> Now share your image on Reddit by click on Reddit icon below your image in imgur

> Choose your subreddit in Reddit on which your image relate,subreddit basically are category like dogs,cats e.t.c

Use Reddit to Drive Huge Traffic to Your Blog

> Give your image an eye catchy title which attract person to click on your post

How To Get Traffic From Reddit To Your Website

> Now click on Submit button.

> By doing like this you have to increase your karma links atleast 350 to post your site direct link to get traffic to your website

> You'll get karma link when someone upvote your post by clicking on upvote icon

When you reach 350 karma links you are able to post your site/blog link on Reddit

Note :
Don't try to upvote your own posts otherwise your account may be ban from Reddit and check Subreddit rules before submitting your post.Post daily only 1 or 2 post if you really wanted to get traffic from Reddit because by submitting many posts on daily basis your account may be ban.

Now i'm sure that after reading this post you are able to get traffic from Reddit to your website.You only need to doing some hardwork on Reddit and after that you can easily get traffic from Reddit.


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