Sunday 2 August 2015

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How To Automatically Remove Spam Links From Blogger Comments

Automatically Remove Spam Links From Blogger Comments

Now a days everyone wanted to get backlinks from other blogs for this purpose spam in comments increased day by day and many blog owners are in trouble but after reading this post they are not in trouble any more because today i'm going to show you how to spam links from blogger comments automatically by adding just one simple script in you blog template.This script works like a spam blocker through which you can automatically remove all links from your blog comments.

Automatically Remove Spam Links From Blogger Comments

> First of all login blogger account

> Now click on Template and then click on Edit Html button

> Press Ctrl+F and search for ]]></b:skin> 

> Now Paste this code just above ]]></b:skin> Tag

                                                  .comment-content a {display: none;} 

> Now click on Save Template Button

> Congratulations your blog is now secure from spam links because this code works like a anti spam

Hope that this article will helps you in remove all the spam links from your blog comments automatically because whenever a person drop link in comment the link is consider as spam and it will automatically remove from comment.


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