Wednesday 19 August 2015

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5 Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Should Avoid

Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Should Avoid

When you visit some popular blogs and i'm 100 % sure that you are thinking that in the future my blog is also one of the popular blog and you are starting hard work on your blog but never get success why because you are not following SEO basic strategies which we are going to discuss in this post.Every single mistake matter a lot in the field of SEO so keep it in your mind.Below we are discuss about 5 Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Should Avoid.

5 Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Should Avoid


It is the main point because if you are using theme in your blog which is not SEO optimized so why you are running your blog it is my personal advice to you that quiet your blog and rest for a while.Because we can say that it is the main thing which matters a lot in Search Engine Optimization so don't forget to choose theme which is SEO optimized and also which is Google adsense optimized.


5 Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Should Avoid

I think that everyone knows that copying content from other websites is strictly not allowed in Google because it is in the Google policy.When you copy someone post you definitely got DMCA complain in few days and when you got too many DMCA complain your blog will removed by Google.So i don't want to describe this point more enough.


This is one of the worst mistake that every blogger do "Low Quality Content".SEO did not gave importance of such type of posts which having low quality content and not informative so always try to write interesting and informative post atleast 250 words or more than 250.


This is my personal experience when i post one or two times in a week my blog visitors decrease day by day.And when i started to update my posts regularly i see the difference in the traffic and returning visitors.Because everyone wanted to know something new daily that's why update your blog regularly if you wanted to increase your blog rank and visibility in the SEO.In this way you can also increase your blog returning visitors.


Everyone wanted to earn money from their blog i know but too many ads annoying your blog visitors a lot.When i personally see too many ads in some blogs i urgently quit that blog.So when our visitors see too many ads they cannot come back to your blog and by adding too many ads your blog bounce rate also increase which is bad sign for SEO.

Final Words

By working on the above points i describe in this post your blog rank and traffic definitely increase.And in this way your blog got popularity in the future.Feel free to ask if you have any question regarding to this post.


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